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An eruption of colour – literally as this name came about through a belief that it originated in the volcanic area around Naples! It is a strong colour for those brave enough to couple it with other gutsy colour tones and individually designed pieces. It will wake up the senses and lift the spirits, appealing to the architect designer as well as the confident home owner.

kitty by Edward Bulmer

  • Colours shown are merely our best attempt to represent our palette online.
    We strongly recommend that you try a sample pot on your walls at home.

H A R R I E T    H O L G A T E

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2, High Street, Watlington,

Oxfordshire, OX49 5PS

18, Letchford Gardens,

London, NW10 6AN

 +44 (0) 1491 613 784 | +44 (0) 7515 121974 

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